FREE 14-Day Challenge
Join The FREE 14-Day Challenge. Please read below all of what you will get with your challenge. Get your 14 Day meal plan and your Booty Band to the right.
Get Your Premium 14-Day Meal Plan
FREE 14-Day Challenge
Get a smaller waist with this meal plan to follow along with your 14-Day challenge.
Get Your Booty Band + Premium 14-Day Meal Plan + FREE 14 Day Challenge
Our community's TOP Favorite combo to create a more lifted, round, firm Booty. You will feel the burn with your new Booty Band. For your BEST results Get your Booty Band, your meal plan, and your 14-Day challenge.
Get Your Premium 14-Day Meal Plan
FREE 14-Day Challenge
Get Your Premium 14-Day Meal Plan
FREE 14-Day Challenge
Get Your Booty Band
This challenge gives you fun and balanced video training workouts, daily which are proven to get you curves in all the right places.
Big bust and hot booty routine that'll help you accentuate all the right places to get you an hourglass, curvy figure with minimal equipment or no equipment at all.
Tailored mindset workouts that'll help you master the art of positive thinking. A positive mind gives positive, long-lasting results. So, we help you master the art of positivity in this 14-Day challenge.
This program is primarily geared towards keeping you balanced in thoughts, workouts, and eating, to create a happy & healthy life.
An Uplifting Positive Private Facebook Community to help you be accountable for your actions and thoughts to get the curves in the right places that you always wanted.
Constant support and motivation from the like-minded women that help you stay determined and focused towards your goals, and advance to them quickly.
"I'm Roxy and I'm very glad to see this before and after as I submit my program results. I was squatting for Idk how long now, but never received the desired booty results. But, woah look at me now after the program. I owe this to Danita, the amazing Facebook community, and this program."
"A photo of me to prove that this program works. Witness that booty lift! This was my transformation through this program - the start picture is me into starting the program, and last is after the program. I love my transformation, thank you Danita and this program."
"I can't stress the importance of photos vs scale numbers. The left is me at the start of program vs me after. I can't believe the amazing body tone up and my curves that are so enhance now when by booty is not saggy and the belly is in. On top of everything this really helped me fix my eating habits."
THIS is exactly what you need. Honesty, Safety, & Authenticity to keep you on track with the raw truth and NO SECRETS LEFT.
Start your challenge with us and follow it in order to get the MOST out of your brand new 14 Day Curves In All The Right Places Challenge for a happier, healthier, curvier life.
Bonus easy to do fun workouts that you can do at home, gym, or anywhere you like to reach your goals because WE CARE, so should you!
Use our easy-access, friendly portal from anywhere or any device that you carry around with you to never miss the practice of your mind and body workouts to make the healthy habits easy for yourself!
Get Danita and her team's support as well as of other like-minded women in this challenge to make an amazing progress towards your goals. All that you need - direction, motivation, tips from real women seeking real results!
Speed up your results with streaming workout videos to get develop your curves.
Get motivated, encouraged, and determined through tremendous support from your coach and team through 24/7 support. Ask questions, share progress, go on girl!
Get valuable information and tips to stay positive throughout your journey to get the POSITIVE, MAXIMIZED RESULTS that'll challenge you to be happy, EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Take the first step to change with a NEW POSITIVE, & NON-JUDGEMENTAL ENVIRONMENT where you are heard, admired, loved, without the fear of being judged or bullied.
You'll get everything you need for a positive mindset written out in a guide for you to make a wonderful progression towards EVOLVING your mind and your body, in turn.
You'll get the motivation and the determination you need to move forward through tremendous support from your coach and team.
Get 24/7 support. Ask questions or share your progress, we are always available for you.
Danita herself will push you to REACH your NEW & BEST YOU!
You'll get access to an Uplifting Positive Private Facebook Community that won't judge you for who you are and will always support you in your life's journey.
You'll get empowered by the like-minded women like you, who'll help you be you and forget comparing.
Facebook Live event every week, as well as useful posts every day to help you stay focused and progress towards your goals by remembering them and also the actions needed to accomplish them.
Danita Young is a Personal Trainer, Nationally Qualified Bikini Competitor, Model, Dance Instructor, Coach, Mentor. But do those titles really define me? What about all trials in life that made me who I am. Everyone has a story? Here is my real story:
Originally lost in the moulds of society, trapped in bad relationships, and easily persuaded by negativity; I lost myself in the low self-esteem dungeon. I remember looking down at my soft cellulite body and covering my slow growing tire with spanks. Overdosing on cardio and half starving myself. I honestly didn’t know any better. That was the old me. I had then created a new life in my mind to relieve myself from what I was experiencing. I didn’t realize how impactful it was…
Today I still get goosebumps when I see a Booty Bands' customer look at their transformation pictures and see that self-esteem & confidence boost that I crave for all women to have.
Butterflying into an inspiring, motivating, and positive role model became my reality. Don’t stop creating THE NEW YOU TOO, forget the titles!
Click “Enroll Now” to start Your 14-Day Curves In All the Right Places Challenge!
FREE 14-Day Challenge
Join The FREE 14-Day Challenge. Please read below all of what you will get with your challenge. Get your 14 Day meal plan and your Booty Band to the right.
Get Your Premium 14-Day Meal Plan
FREE 14-Day Challenge
Get a smaller waist with this meal plan to follow along with your 14-Day challenge.
Get Your Booty Band + Premium 14-Day Meal Plan + FREE 14 Day Challenge
Our community's TOP Favorite combo to create a more lifted, round, firm Booty. You will feel the burn with your new Booty Band. For your BEST results Get your Booty Band, your meal plan, and your 14-Day challenge.
You’ll receive INSTANT ACCESS to the 14 Day Curves in all the Right Places Challenge Immediately. After Purchase. A purple booty band will be Shipped to you if you choose to pay for $45 plan.
Take the first step towards changing your life by taking my 14 - Day Curves In All The Right Places Challenge. Lead a happier, healthier, curvier life by taking advantage of your 14-Day Challenge. If you don't feel good, energetic, happy, or curvy -you won't pay. Just simply contact our support within 30-day for a full refund, if you aren't satisfied.
Danita Young
CEO Booty Bands