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About Us


Everything that Booty Bands® does is believing in supporting you starting from simple yet progressive changes that create more self-love, confidence, and an evolved version of yourself. We believe in challenging the status quo that create results from proven methods. We think differently about how to create fitness results. For us, the way to challenge the status quo is by creating results from fitness programs that are fun to do and easy to stick to complemented with our innovative products. Want to be a part of Booty Bands®?

What Is Booty Bands

Booty Bands® are not just a physical transformation brand. We are an uplifting group of women who are passionately driven to support others. We are on a mission to help change millions of women’s lives starting with taking a person that goes from a negative, settled mindset to simple progressive changes that create self-love and confidence. We know that changing one’s shape is just a domino effect that can help improve relationships, someone’s work, their environments and more.

Booty Bands® are unique patented Booty Bands® that come with your lifetime member videos, and small waist diet plan. You will have members- only access to the 10-Day Bubble Your Booty workout routine that is designed to be very effective, easy and stick to without feeling overwhelmed and complicated. The videos are streaming. The workout routines and the amazing 'Small Waist Diet Plan' are always available at your fingertips through any mobile device, tablet, desktop or laptop computer. I also release videos every week to my members for new fun and exciting ways to about toning abs and building glutes.

What makes Booty Bands® so unique and effective is its perfect resistance strength that was created with Danita’s specific booty workout routines. We designed the fabric so that it won’t tear or bruise your skin. The Booty Bands® won’t hike up or move around during your booty workout routines, which is a common problem women see with resistance bands.

Booty Bands® and the booty workout routines target all areas the glutes booty, as well as target all of the stomach muscles. Ready to feel great and have a new shape?

Booty Bands® are the hottest rave and what we see that create transformations in our Booty Brigade community.

How Does It Work?

I designed Booty Bands® while thinking of women and the common problems that we’ve had during band workouts and shaping our booty’s. The patented Booty Bands® is simple yet effective. It is designed not to roll up on your legs or tear your skin. It won’t bruise your body. It won’t break or snap on you. Other bands don’t have this patent design or function that I created to achieve results without problems.

This program features 10-days of easy workout videos. Here I will walk and talk you through each workout while using your own Booty Band. Each day only takes you 15 MINUTES!!.

My workout videos are exclusive to members and are meant to be used with the Booty Bands®. This program features exclusive patented booty workout routines that target all 3 areas of your glutes. The 10-day Booty Bands® Member Workout Videos have created new transformations in 1000’s of happy women.

As a FREE additional BONUS, I am also adding in my ‘The Small Waist Diet Program.’ Anyone can easily follow this diet program during your 10-Day Big Booty, Small Waist journey. I have combined all of the years of dieting knowledge into this simple yet effective diet plan that you can follow. You can take this with you forever on your fitness journey.

You can do this program anywhere. It can be at home, in the gym or when you’re traveling.

Who Is Danita Young

Danita Young is a Personal Trainer, Nationally Qualified Bikini Competitor, Model, Dance Instructor, Coach, Mentor, and the list goes on. But do those titles really define me? What about all trials in life that made me who I am. I care where you have been and where you are going. Everyone has a story? Here is my real story:

Originally lost in the molds of society, trapped in bad relationships, and easily persuaded by negativity; I lost myself in the low self-esteem dungeon. I remember looking down at my soft cellulite body and covering my slow growing tire with spanks. Overdosing on cardio and half starving myself. I honestly didn’t know any better. That was the old me. I had then created a new imaginary life to relieve myself from what I was experiencing. I didn’t realize how impactful it was.

Though my discovery, I met the love of my life and he got me the book, “The Passion Test.” I became consumed in learning my passion. My passion is to make women the most attractive and the most confident that they can be. Their transformations, personally, emotionally and physically are what drive me to do what I do.... And this was the start of Booty Bands®.

Today I still get goosebumps when I see a Booty Bands® customer look at their transformation pictures and see that self-esteem & confidence boost that I crave for all women to have.

Butterflying into an inspiring, motivating, and positive role model became my reality. Don’t stop creating THE NEW YOU TOO, forget the titles!

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