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Why is it important to take Progress Pictures?

Danita Young Owner & Cofounder of Booty Bands®
Certified Personal Trainer, NQ Bikini Competitor, Nutritionist, Model & Women's Mindset Specialist. After years of failing with my transformation, I devoted my life to finding the true solutions. Passionately helping 100's of 1000’s of Women worldwide reach their goals too!  

I know - I know - pictures sound terrifying!!! 

WHY: 99% of women lose fat in their back first, which means if you are only looking at the scale or your waist … perhaps you may give up before the miracle happens! I was that person that said, “NEVER - NO WAY.” I actually "ripped up" all photos of me from my past. But now that I have changed my body’s composition I WISH I HAD TAKEN A LEGIT BEFORE PICTURE to show everyone about the progress that I am proud of. It is like a Trophy and nothing captures the results of this experience (at least the visible part of it!) quite like a set of “before” and “after” photos.

Nothing GREAT ever came from a COMFORT ZONE! 

WHEN: Take them monthly! In the morning on an empty stomach. You’re on a journey with Booty Bands® and you will need to show a Coach what progress is happening so they can help adjust your plan if needed. 


📷1- Clothes: A swimsuit or form-fitting workout clothes work best. You should show as much of your body as you’re comfortable with, but please keep it appropriate for public consumption.

📷2- Photographer: This can be you or someone else that you feel comfortable with.

📷3- Lighting: Choose a well-lit area in front of a plain wall or door. Make sure you light yourself from the front.

📷4- Poses: No right or wrong, whatever pose that you choose… just stay consistent.

Front- feet hip distant, arms to side.

Side- feet hip distant, arms out in front (parallel to floor).

Back- feet hip distant, arm straight out like a T.


1. You can keep them to yourself and pay attention to these changes. *Every month put them side by side, you can use a FREE app called “Photogrid”

BELLY FAT: Are the rolls decreasing? If your fat seems softer - this is a win! The byproducts of fat leaving your body is when you sweat, urinate, and when you breathe out. So if your visceral fat is less hard, this is a great sign - keep up the great work! 

"I always incorporate my Booty Bands in almost all of my workouts. It's really changed my booty and body. I try to workout 4X a week with my busy schedule, but working out has always been a major stress relief for me.  Once I found this Booty Bands it was a total game changer for me." - Charlotte Hodgins

MUSCLE TONE: Do you see definition forming anywhere? Look at your arms, legs, tummy & back! 

POSTURE: Are you standing a little straighter? The more lean muscle you add to your sketial body the more you discover less pain, more energy, better posture and a faster metabolism! 

BOOTY: When you use the Booty Bands® consistently (about 2x a week) then see if your booty is lifting, cellulite decreasing, roundness & shape forming? *TIP: If you want to add more SIZE then add weights with your Booty Bands® Workouts.

2. Share them with the “Booty Bands Members” FB group.  Only Positive Uplifting Feedback and Advice will be given.  

3. Share with a Booty Bands® Coach & get Professional Advice

Our Products

The Original Booty Bands® and Workout Programs Will Create Lifelong Transformations No Matter Your Age, Genetics or Level. Created by Women for Women. We are MORE than Just Booty Bands®!

20 Booty + Abs + Level 1 Booty Band®  20 day


Level 1 Booty Band® + 20 days Personal Training Workouts + MORE

40 Booty + Abs + Arms + Level 1, 2, 3 Booty Bands®  40 DAY


Level 1, 2, 3

Booty Bands® + 40 Days Personal Training Workouts + MORE

40 Booty + Abs + Total Body + Level 1, 2, 3, 4 Booty Bands®  60 DAY


Level 1, 2, 3, 4 Booty Bands® + 60 Days Personal Training Workouts + MORE

STOP – Are You Making These Mistakes In Your Booty Workouts?

"The most common mistake I have seen women make is that they are unable to activate the right muscles when they are working out."Read More


"Have you tried everything that you can think of – Well, let me tell you.."

Why is it Important to take Progress Pictures


 "99% of women lose fat in their back first, which means if you are only looking at the scale or your waist …"


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